Anxiety is a very common condition, affecting approximately 1 in 10 people at some point in their life. It is a normal response to stress or danger and is often called the ‘flight or fight’ response. This process involves adrenalin being pumped through the body enabling it to cope with whatever catastrophe may come its way. The problems arise when this response is out of proportion to the danger of the situation, or is generated when there is no danger present.
There can be many factors that cause an anxiety disorter, to include stress, thyroid problems, childhood environment, genetic predisposition, biochemical imbalance.
The physical symptoms of anxiety are:
racing heart
shortness of breath
tightness in chest
dry mouth
pins and needles
The psychological symptoms of anxiety are:
fear of losing control
dread that something bad may happen
feelings of detachment
Is It Treatable? Anxiety is a normal emotion and there are times when anxiety can be useful. However if anxiety is becoming a problem and affecting your daily life then a visit to the GP is suggested in order to discuss the problem, receive an accurate diagnosis and work towards a treatment plan to manage the anxiety with the ultimate aim of combatting the anxiety completely.
Methods of Treatment
Lots of factors can help you to control your feelings of anxiety. A combination of therapy, medication and self help strategies can help anybody affected by anxiety overcome their disorder or decrease it to managable levels. Massage and reflexology both help with relaxation, reducing anxiety and stress levels and promoting a sense of calmness and well-being and used in conjuction with therapy and medication may enhance your well-being.
Incorporating exercise into your daily routine may also help lift your mood and alleviate anxiety - see more information on local activity providers here -
Try Active
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Further Help & Advice
See this link to NHS website
This advice is for guidance only - if you are concerned about your health then please see your GP for further help.